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Raising our Prana level with Reiki

Do you feel :
-tired physically ,emotionally or mentally
-frequent unexplained pains in your body
– too much effort and poor output
-drained out .

It’s to time to regain your strength by letting the divine Reiki light to clear your AURA , Removing any entities and dark ,demonic or satanic forces ;to raise your prana level to the optimum !
Balancing and alignment of the entire Chakra system too.

Thursday , 23rd December 2021
7 pm IST
EE : INR 600/-

To be a part of this blissful meditation session register below.

You can pay using the following details :

Bank transfer @
C/Ac 50200051853641
IFSC HDFC0003666.


Paytm @ +91-9811128979

Event Start: 23/12/2021 - 7:00 pm
Event End: 23/12/2021 - 8:00 pm
Venue: Register for ZOOM link

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