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8:8 Lions Gate Portal Guided Meditation

Manifesting Magic awaits as the powerful Lions Gate portal opens

This is an annual astrological event, dating to the 8th day of the 8th month of the year, that activates free flowing positive energy and transmutes this energy onto the planet allowing you to manifest great bounties of abundance in your world.

A lion with a rainbow mane and a blue eyeWith this energetic shift taking place, Sujata Malik is holding a special guided meditation to help to embrace your inner Leo so that you play center stage in your own manifestations.

This is an opportunity for you to raise your consciousness into Christ’s light frequencies and attract love, beauty, power, transformation, strength, and all that your heart desires.

📅 8th August, Tuesday || 6 pm IST
Energy Exchange: INR 600/-


Spiritual Guide
Sujata is a spiritual and emotional therapist with over two decades of experience in various healing modalities. She is a personal guide and a corporate coach. She is divinely guided, seeking inspiration


Event Start: 08/08/2023 - 6:00 pm
Event End: 08/08/2023 - 7:00 pm
Venue: Online

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